It's been a little while since my last post, because it's been a while since I have done any races. This year has been tough and after the 12 hour in Palo Duro I decided to stop racing for a while. However, as the year is coming to a close I'm starting to feel like racing again. Probably because most of the races I really enjoy happen during winter. So I've got my eye on a couple of races coming up:
Rudolph's Revenge on Dec 19th is a 30 mile "race" up the green belt to IDB state park where we do a lap and head back down the green belt. I'll probably do this one on my geared bike and the goal will be to NOT DIE. This will be more of a fun race. Hopefully it will be fun.
1st Race in the DORBA Frozen Series is on January 16th at the Frisco trail. I'm excited about this one because it's close to home and with the exception of Erwin I ride this trail more than any other. This will be a 6 hour race that I would love to do on my single speed. However, that all depends on if I can get my weight down. 6 Hours at Frisco will probably end up with about 4K of climbing. It's all shortish steep climbs so it will kill my legs on the SS if I am still a fat ass. If I can get some weight off then my goal would be able to finish not dead last, maybe middle of the pack.
Unfortunately, the El Nino is really strong right now and all the weather forecasts are showing a very wet winter around here. So there is a good chance all these races will get canceled, like all the races last spring. UGH!
Right now, with Thanksgiving getting close I will be taking it easy through the holiday and try not to gain 5-10 more pounds. Then it's time to get back to business and get some of this weight off and get back to work.
And just a warning, most of the stuff on this will probably be about cycling but there might be some kids and other shit mixed in too.