Monday, October 31, 2016

Busy and sick...

I kept meaning to get a post written up but shit just keeps popping up.

Last week sucked.  To make a long story short, I ended up getting an emergency root canal through one of my crowns.  There was a significant infection in the roots, so the dentist cleaned it out and packed it with meds.  I am on antibiotics right now and go back in about a week for them to drill it all back out and finish off the root canal.  Fun shit!!!  And did I mention that antibiotics give me crazy ass nightmares.  So with that and the nasty cold that is rolling though the house I haven't been sleeping much.

I was feeling crappy yesterday but decided to get out and put the new tires on my gravel bike.  Working on my bikes always makes me feel better.  Something therapeutic about it.  I removed the 700x32 city tires and put some 700x35 cx tires.  Those city tires were HEAVY!  The new tires are nice and light weight and have some better tread.  I got into some mud with the city tires a couple weeks ago and almost killed myself.

Because of all the crap happening lately my routine is completely screwed and I think it's going to stay that way until the new year.  The big holidays are coming up.  The end of the year can get really busy with work (especially as we try to wrap up this massive development project for Shell) and with all the family obligations, I am just going to get on the bike when I can and enjoy the ride.  

Sunday, October 16, 2016


I finally got around to cleaning up the kiddo's binders.

With each kiddo I kept a blog while Karie was pregnant with them.  Samantha and Becca's are pretty extensive but poor Henry's isn't but we were just so busy that a lot of those extra things fell through the cracks.  Today I separated my one huge binder into 3 separate binders and will try to be better about keeping them up to date.

With that I am also going to try to be better about blogging more about some of the family stuff happening around here and not just about my bikes and rides and races.  I know the one or two people that follow this blog might not be interested in that shit so this is a warning that it's coming.  Sorry but some of that stuff helps me stay sane.  If you're getting copies of this blog and you don't want it let me know and I will take you off.  Don't worry I won't be offended.

I put copies of it into the kiddos binders and I feel like it might help my kids to understand I wasn't always the grumpy old man that I will be when I finally give them these binders.  :)  That at one point there dad was cool and jumped him MTBs off shit. :)

One of the first things I need to do is to updated a couple stories for Henry's binder.  His birth story never made it into his binder and I really want to make sure that gets in there.