Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New year, time to get back into my routine

Well the new year is here and it is time to get off my butt and knock those holiday pounds off. Actually there are a little more than holiday pounds. As you may have noticed last year was not the best year for the economy or small companies. However, the company I worked for survived but due to the stress and long work hours I put on a few pounds. About 9 months ago I was weighing in at 209 and now I am back up to 240.

Oh well, no point whining about it.

So it about time I got back on my routine of eating healthy and exercise. I vow not to let work push me to eating my stress.

There will be one more obstacle to overcome for the next 6 months and beyond. My wife is currently pregnant so I need to try to avoid the extra weight while keeping my wife happy and healthy.

I am planning on running my first half marathon on April 11th of this year and I am very excited about it. I am hoping to get my weight back down into the 210s by then or as close as I can by then.

And I also need to start getting my base saddle time in so I am ready for the 2010 North Texas (Mountain Bike) Race Series. I wasn't able to participate last year for the first time in 3 years and wasn't really happy with myself.

Wish me luck!

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