Friday, October 28, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Are we there yet?!?
Then there is all the looks from the passengers wondering "is that kid going to cry on the plane" or "is that kid going to kick/punch/puke/poop on me during the flight." Coming down the isle it almost feels like the scene from Forrest Gump on the bus where all the kids/soldiers are saying "this seat is taken" however, we have assigned seats so take that "MUuuahhahahahahaha!!!"
Then there is all the fees for the extra stuff that we have to bring along. I do give airlines some credit for allowing strollers and carseats to fly for free but the pack-n-play is hit or miss. I think we have spent enough on fees for that thing that we could have bought 2 more by now.
Even with all that it's still worth it to get out and to share the world with the little one and soon to be two. Even though Samantha is too small to ever remember her trips to Ft. Wayne and her trip to the Grand Canyon or Yosemite or the Golden Gate bridge, I think these sights will stick with her as she grows up. I feel like we are helping her to expand her horizons and eventually expand her sisters horizons and however many after that.
I didn't travel much as a kid, the farthest we ever went from home was as far as we could and still get back before bed time. So our range of travel was very small. My first airplane trip was in high school when the band went to Disney World. As I got older, I began to realize how much was out there to see and do and if I had all the time and money in the world that is what I would do. But sadly I don't have all the time and money in the world so we pick and chose very carefully.
So far our trips have been a lot of fun and yes there have been exploding diapers on flights. There have been diverted flights and tarmac waits. There have been not so happy people next to us. And there has been some crying and screaming but it's still all worth it. It's so very worth it to watch Samantha run around the giant redwoods and eat dirt in a different state, which according to Samantha California dirt tastes better than Texas dirt. To carry Samantha around Yosemite where she got to touch rocks bigger than our house and see a waterfall taller than the highest high rise in Dallas. These memories are far out weight the miniscule inconveniences of traveling with the little ones.
One day, I hope, our kiddos will thank us for dragging them around to different parts of this country and eventually the world.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
All of these close and extra inning games are going to give me an ulcer. It makes for exciting baseball but my stress level is through the roof.
As a life long Rangers fan it is so nice to make the the playoffs and the World Series two years in a row after years and years of mediocre baseball. But I realized that it doesn't take long for expectations to change. Just simply making the playoffs or making it to the World Series just isn't enough any more. Now that I have been given a taste, I want it all.
After tonights nail biter the series is tied 1-1 and it heads back to Texas. We get our designated hitter back and they can play baseball the way it was meant to be played. I am hoping the Rangers bats wakeup so we can start putting this series away! I don't think I can take a repeat of last year.
Friday, October 14, 2011
I felt two little kicks from the little one tonight. Karie is really starting to feel her moving around and has mentioned it several times but this was the first time I was able to feel her. We are almost to the half way point in the pregnancy, it feels like it is going quite a bit fast this time. With Samantha it seemed to take forever to get to this point. I think a lot of that is because are busy with Samantha.
Tonight I made cupcakes for Karie's birthday party on Sunday and Samantha got to lick the beater. She didn't really know what to make of it at first until I got her to taste it. Then she was all over it. The only problem was that she wasn't in her chair so she walked into the living room, tripped, and fell onto a couch pillow. This resulted in her losing her beater and there was much whaling and gnashing of teeth. For the second beater, I put her into her chair so their wouldn't be a repeat.
After dinner we settled down to watch the Lion King and to my surprise Samantha actually snuggled with Karie and watched. Later she came and snuggled with me a little before she went to bed. Of course she didn't make it through the entire movie but it was nice to have a quiet movie night.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
State Fair of Texas
The fried buffalo chicken flapjack won the award for best food and it was pretty good. The loser of the day was the Kool-Aide Pickle. I saw it advertised while we were eating out lunch and I just had to give it a try. The Kool-aide pickle is a huge dill pickle soaked in Kool-Aide then sprinkled with sugar and kool-aide mix. It was just too weird, the dill was too much of a contrast of the sweet kool-aide. Samantha's favorite food was the fried mac and cheese.
We also went through the childrens animal barn which is generally a big hit with Samantha. This year she was old enough to walk around without being carried so she could go up to the animals herself. However, she isn't quite old enough to feed the animals. She seemed to be just as happy just to look and to play with the scoops that were attached to each cage.
Samantha did get a little model VW Beetle to take home. It rode around in the wagon with her all day. The only time she put it down was to get something to eat or drink.
The hit of the day had to be the aquarium. Samantha loved to splash in the water in the open tanks where you can touch and feel stuff. Evidently, Samantha didn't seem to care that there were "NO SPLASHING" signs posted all over the place. Her and Karie had a couple of battles over the splashing that didn't end well. Within a couple of minutes Samantha was covered in water. The Manta Ray tank in the back of the aquarium is just too cool. They rays swim right up and you can touch them. Samantha seemed more annoyed by them than anything because they were interrupting her splashing. They would swim by and suck on her arm looking for food and then move on. I was able to feed a couple of them and it startled my how much they can suck. It was actually quite creepy. But they are beautiful animals!
And of course, you can't leave the fair without riding at least one ride. I scoped out the rides and the "Winky the Whale" ride seemed to be the least threatening. The minimum height was 30 inches so Samantha was good to go. I could tell this ride was going to be a problem for me when I got in and realized I didn't really fit. I had to put my legs sideways to keep my knees from banging around and had to force my arm against the front bar to keep from smashing Samantha. So when this thing finally started to move Samantha starting laughing. I then realized it moved faster and more violently than it looked. Every time Winky the Whale went up and down it slammed my spine and knees against the hard seat and from of the whale. As I cringe from the next movement, Samantha is laughing and screaming. She loved it. This was the first ride she had ever been on and it opened a whole new world for her. After that she knew what all these spinning, noisy things were and she would point at the rides that were too big for her and clap. I am sure she would have ridden everything in the midway. Next year , I am sure I will be on a lot more rides with Samantha.
As the way went on, I could tell that Samantha was starting to get tired. Since we took the wagon Samantha didn't have an opportunity to take a nap like her cousin did, who was in a stroller. We had left the house just after 9:30 am and didn't leave the fair until around 6:15 pm. As soon as we got into the van to head home, Samantha was out cold. It was a long, fun, and exhausting day. Karie and my feet were both sore from all the walking and standing. But it was an awesome day and year after year we hope there will be many, many more.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Pumpkins, Twins, Rain, and Bathtime
Saturday morning Karie, Samantha, and I drove up to Celina to visit the Big Orange Pumpkin Farm. It was a lot of fun. They had a petting zoo with cows, longhorns, goats and sheep. The kiddos were not allowed in the pens with the animals but since we go there first thing in the morning the animals were nice and hungry so it wasn't hard to get them to come over. Actually the sheep were pretty aggressive and one of them was able to get a feed cup away from Karie and eat it all up. It was funny because the sheep just shoved it's nose into the cup and tilted it's head back and all the feed was gone! The longhorns and cows were her favorite. When she would see one she would run towards them yelling "MMMMOOOOOooooooo!!!!"
On Sunday not much was going to happen outdoors because it was actually raining. It rained on and off most of the day on Sunday and boy did we need it. It wasn't enough to end the drought but it helped. The weather man said we still have a 9 inch deficit for rain this year and it looks like it will be a dry winter so unless we get some drought busting rain it looks like my water bill won't be going down anytime soon.
Then finally we get to bath time! I remember when bath time used to be a fun time, not just a something you did every morning or night that is part of your daily routine. Samantha loves running water, I guess who doesn't. The feel and look of it is just cool, no matter how old you are. Samantha was having a really good time in the bath until she fell face first into the water. For an adult this is not a big deal but for a 15 month old falling like that can be terrifying. In an instant she was face down and not able to breathe. Karie scooped her up immediately and I wrapper her in a towel because I knew this meant the end of bath time. Samantha was crying but it wasn't her normal "I"M PISSED!!!!" cry it was a whiny and pitiful "I'm scared..." cry. I hate that cry. The pissed cry happens all the time, it's not hard to piss off a little toddler, but the scared cry really bothers me. It makes me feel like I failed as a parent. Yes, I know it's just part of her learning but I still don't like it and I know that I can not prevent these situations from happening. Nor should I try unless I want Samantha to grow up sheltered and scared of the world. So the best I can do is offer a comforting hug and let her know she is alright.
It wasn't long before she was back to herself and she picked up my brush and decided that she needed to brush mine and her hair.
So what do pumpkins, twins, rain and bath time mean to me. It means I had a great weekend with my family and reminds me of how truly blessed I am.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011
Good weekend
Yesterday Karie, Samantha and I went out to Eisenhower State Park for a hike. The park was pretty much deserted since the water was off limits. Due to the really hot summer and the lower water levels the algae in the water is at dangerous levels. So getting in the water is forbidden. It wasn't a big deal to us since we had not planned on doing any swimming today.
We hiked around 3 miles and then found an empty campsite to have our lunch. It wasn't hard to find an empty one so we got to pick a real nice one. Samantha had the most fun chasing the flies that landed on our food and cooler.
Later that evening, we all went to downtown McKinney to grab some dinner. We went over to Square Burger, one of our favorite places to eat. And afterwards we walked around the square. We eventually ended up at a small park just west of the square. Samantha ran around for about 30 minutes straight. She even spent some time chasing a little 2 year old boy around, oh, it's too early to start that.
Today we went out for a walk over to a playground near our house. Samantha loves the play ground and especially the mulch they put down. She throws it, moves it, carries it, and hands it to me to hold. We spent some time going down the slides today. At first she wasn't that interested until I let her go down herself. That was a lot of fun and we did that over, and over, and over until I had enough.
On our way back to the house we bumped into a lady walking with a small screech owl on her arm. I asked her if it was an owl and she said "yes" and come over to talk to us. It turns out she was trying to determine if the owl could be used with kids and adults as a learning bird. The owl had been injured so it could no longer fly. The owl had its eyes almost closed and was making a small cry. The lady said the noise was his cry, and meant he wasn't happy. The owl was doing pretty well and seemed to get used to our presence. However, if the owl cannot get used to people it will be put down since all the stress would not be a very good life for the owl. I really hope he makes it. The lady works at the Raptor habitat over by Lake Lavon and said it's open to the public the first Saturday of the month. We might try to head over there next month and see the little owl.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Marching Band
My sister and I talked a little bit about our band experiences and it got me thinking that it has been almost 20 years since I was out on a football field marching.
Damn, I am getting old.