For normal people, they would just start one project and finish it, then start the next. For some reason my brain does not work that way. Every project I create seems to spawn more projects that spawn even more projects. This little voice in my head says "Well, while you are doing [insert task] you should go ahead and do [insert slightly related task]" until I am so far away from the original task that it sometimes doesn't get done.

Then, as I was moving furniture around in the room and clearing it out, I noticed the mantle is a little messed up do to a plant that over flowed. I am trying to resist taking a hammer to it. I have a vision of this awesome NEW and IMPROVED mantle. However, I wouldn't be able to move forward with the playroom project until the mantle is done. AHhhhhhhh, stop the insanity. This is also the reason why some of the time I get so overwhelmed with a project before I even start it.
My other problem is that I don't like prolonged projects. When I start a project it's all GO 100% until it's done. You can ask my wife, she generally stays clear when I start a project marathon because sometimes a cussing storm develops. Then there is the dreaded F-Bomb tornado that spawns when something goes FUBAR!!! When I decided to paint the new babies room I tore the room down, painted ceiling, accent wall, the rest of the room, touched up, put the room back together, assembled the crib and the dresser in about 24 hours. Karie would peek in now and again when she hadn't heard me cuss in a while to make sure I wasn't dead. Karie tends to hover a lot when I am working on something in the house because she is grew up with a dad and ended most of his home improvement projects with a trip to the hospital. That is a little dramatic but the guy is missing 1/2 a toe and has a metal ankle.
I am hoping that I can get the play room done quickly so I can get back to the other projects that I am suppose to be working on. I still have a closet to gut and rebuild, a book shelf to build, another one to paint, and a dozen assorted projects to get done before Rebecca gets here. I still have 3.5 months but with 2 major holidays in the time ahead it is going to go by quick. I guess I should stop my typing and get to work.
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