We try to go hiking on Sundays after Church and lunch. I usually put Samantha in our Kelty backpack and with Samantha in there it weighs about 40 lbs. When I strap that backpack on it's like putting all that weight back on. I can't believe I walked around all the time with that much additional weight on me. No wonder I felt so bad!
I get questions now and then about what "magical" thing I am doing to lost the weight. Some people don't seem to believe that it's just watching what I eat and exercise. (I don't like the word diet, because I am not on a diet. I have made healthy changes to my lifestyle that hopefully will be life long changes) Eat normal portion sizes, stay away from fast food, and work off those pounds! It all starts with what you put in your mouth. I am using myfitnesspal.com to track my meals. If anyone wants to join me my user name is "kennethr75". I can always use some more friends out there to motivate me.
My next milestone weight is really only 1 pound away. When I hit 233 my BMI will drop down to 29.9 which means I am only "Overweight" and no longer "Obese". Yes, I am currently classified as "Obese".
For me, BMI is a joke and does not accurately measure my level of health. If I followed this scale, I would have to get down to 194 to be considered healthy. Shoot! My 200lbs goal is going to be hard enough to reach and this stupid measurement says I need to lose 6 more pounds just to be on the top end of healthy. I can guaranty if I make it to 200lbs I am going to be pretty damn healthy.
Hopefully my next entry about losing 40 pounds will be just around the corner!
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