Thursday, May 21, 2015

Rain, rain go away!!! I want to race next Saturday (actually Sunday but Saturday rhymes better)!!!

So I don't know if I have mentioned it or not but I have a race coming up on the 30/31st out at Palo Duro Canyon.  I have been worried that with all the rain that it might get canceled like most of the other races so far this year. Especially with people posting pictures like this from Palo Duro.

However, the race director sent out a little ray of hope yesterday.  I'll just post some snippets because rest is about the road portion of the race and no one really cares about roadie races. LOL!
  • Palo Duro Canyon State Park is NOT closed at this time
  • We were at the park on Monday morning surveying & going over numerous contingency plans. In fact, if the event were on Monday we would have only had one spot that was muddy enough to divert around it.
  •  We have a crew, including some of the best trial stewards, assembled to go to the park Monday morning to assess the trail situation & work on them.

So of course I have been watching the weather like a hawk and things look promising.  Even on Saturday it shows a 50% chance of rain but the expected accumulation is around 0.05 inches.  

So there is hope!!!

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