Sunday, October 16, 2016


I finally got around to cleaning up the kiddo's binders.

With each kiddo I kept a blog while Karie was pregnant with them.  Samantha and Becca's are pretty extensive but poor Henry's isn't but we were just so busy that a lot of those extra things fell through the cracks.  Today I separated my one huge binder into 3 separate binders and will try to be better about keeping them up to date.

With that I am also going to try to be better about blogging more about some of the family stuff happening around here and not just about my bikes and rides and races.  I know the one or two people that follow this blog might not be interested in that shit so this is a warning that it's coming.  Sorry but some of that stuff helps me stay sane.  If you're getting copies of this blog and you don't want it let me know and I will take you off.  Don't worry I won't be offended.

I put copies of it into the kiddos binders and I feel like it might help my kids to understand I wasn't always the grumpy old man that I will be when I finally give them these binders.  :)  That at one point there dad was cool and jumped him MTBs off shit. :)

One of the first things I need to do is to updated a couple stories for Henry's binder.  His birth story never made it into his binder and I really want to make sure that gets in there.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not unfollowing you :)