Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Watch out duckies!

So I got my replacement in Garmin in the mail yesterday. But due to some server errors tonight was the first time I could check it out. So I rushed out trying to beat the incoming storms to get a ride in.
The Garmin seem to work as it should but still had some Bluetooth issues.  I think those issues are because I keep my phone in my jersey pocket in a plastic bag.

I really enjoy the night rides on my bikes. Even when riding the paved bike trails you see a different type of wildlife out at night.  Unfortunately that wildlife seemed to want to be run over tonight. 

My first almost victim was a nice toad. I stopped to shoo him off the trail and tried to get a selfie with the toad.  He hopped away and had no interest in my social media aspirations.

I would have felt bad if I had run over the toad, but if I had hit my second almost victims I would have been devastated. I was coming around a turn in a very dark portion of the trail and as my light turned I saw a mama duck with 7 baby ducklings in the middle of the trail. I locked up my brakes and stopped a foot short of all the ducks. I was moving pretty quick and left a 12ft skidmark on the trail.  The ducks were stunned by my light and never moved out of the trail. It would have really upset me if I had plowed through all those ducks. By  the time I got my phone out to take a picture they had moved off the trail and started looking for food in a little stream next to the trail.

Outside of almost running over some local wildlife, it was a pretty uneventful ride.  I wrapped it up at 18 miles because the storms had moved in on me and straddling a large piece of steel in a lighting storm isn't appealing to me.

Note:  I did this blog on my phone in the blogger app so I have no clue what it will look

Edited:  This looked like garbage and had to clean it up.  No more posts from my phone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor duckies!! Glad you were able to brake before hitting them :)