Saturday, February 27, 2016

Back in the saddle...

It is a gorgeous but windy day today so I got out on the bike this afternoon.  I did a road ride on my MTB (geared) to see how my knee would feel.

I wanted a nice and easy ride but the wind took care of that. Had a strong 20mph wind the entire time. My knee ached when I had trying to put a lot of power down while seated but it was fine other times.

The only time it hurt was when I jumped some curbs. I got some sharp pains from the impact.  All in all it was a good. I don't think I am ready for a trail ride yet. Maybe next weekend.

I wandered around and explored some new roads that have recently been put in.  I am hoping it will allow me to get to a hike and bike trail that I haven't had access to yet.  I can get so close but there is no way to get down under the bridge to get to the trail yet.  I noticed some trails in this new neighborhood, maybe they will connect to it.  If I can get to this trail it will give me an easy way to cross 121.

I am going to do some more road rides next week and hopefully the knee will feel good enough to get out on a trail next weekend!

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