PRs and Goals!


I would love to give you a list of mountain biking PRs but they are just too hard to quantify.  The only PRs that I really track is my lap time at several trails. I could list a couple but they will mean nothing to you since you have probably never ridden these trails.  So I'll just give you my mileage for my timed Single Speed MTB endurance races.

4 Hour 37.52 miles on SS 
6 Hour50.16 miles on SS
12 Hour - none yet
24 Hour - none yet

MTB Goals

  • Ride my MTBs as much as possible
  • To continue to enjoy riding my MTBs

Current and never changing running PRs
  • 5k: 26:49*
  • 10k: 54:33*
  • HM: 2:13:45
* Unofficial PRs, so I guess they aren't really PRs but cut me some slack.  I'm not really a runner anyway.  :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When is the IM ? :P