Monday, July 17, 2017

Running again, sort of...

So I bought some new Brooks Ghost 9s because I've started running again and my old Ghosts have over 400 miles on them.  I tried to start running at the beginning of the year and quickly started to push the distance and pace up.  As a result, my knees gave me a huge "FUCK YOU" and I stopped.

About a month ago, I was out walking the dog and he wanted to run so bad.  So I tried to run with him a little.  I had to take several walk breaks but it wasn't to bad.  I'm only running 2-3 miles 2-3 times a week and still take walk breaks here in there.  It's nice to be able to run a little bit again.   I have ZERO expectations and ZERO goals right now.  Just taking the dog out to get some exercise and for me to get a little cross training in.  Skittles gets so excited when he sees Karie or me pulling out our running shoes.

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