Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Judgment Day - Results

So the results are in:
171 – Registered
123 – Started

I figured the finishing numbers would be pretty low because of the heat but 1/2 is pretty ridiculous.

My Elemnt Bolt has a thermometer in it and records the temps during the ride.  You can see the average temps in that last column.

I went back and updated the spreadsheet I used to estimate the time it would take.

And here are a couple of pictures from the day.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Judgment Day - An Eternity Of Singletrack

"Judgment Day is where you challenge yourself to complete a certain number of trails (as laid out by the Organizers) within 24 hours."

I have always been really interested in this event and thought it would be a lot of fun.  Oh how wrong I was and I doubt I will ever do this again.  It was too damn hot.  Heat indexes were up over 110 for a large chunk of the day and it's really a miracle that I didn't hurt myself.  I ended up going through 3 gallons of water, almost a gallon of Gatorade, a gallon of sweet tea, and 32 oz of pickle juice.  After all of that I still came home 5lbs lighter (and that is after I ate a hamburger and fries at 11:30pm).

1. Rowlett Creek (North side) - we got started at RCP at about 5:20am.  It was humid but the sun wasn't up yet so we (my brother and I) had our lights on and were excited about the day.  Just over 5 miles of fast/flowy single track.
(5.14 total miles/ 33:36 ride time)

2. Sister Grove - we hit the trail at 6:49am.  The sun was coming up and we still felt good and were making good time without pushing too hard.  We were trying to pace ourselves for a long day.  Sister Grove has a little climbing but isn't too challenging.  I had a minor wipe out here but not damage done to me or the bike.
(11.88 total miles/ 1:26:20 ride time)

3. Erwin Park - 8:24am.  At this point, it's starting to dawn on us how long the day is going to be.  Erwin is a fast trail with some good climbs.  It's starting to get hot but the popsicle offered by the trail crew was the best popsicle EVER!
(20 total miles/ 2:27:12 ride time)

4. Isle Du Bois SP - 10:41am.  This is the trail that we were dreading.  IDB is ridiculously rocky with loose rocky climbing.  We only had to ride the A, B, and C loops but that was enough.  It was starting to get really hot, the heat index was already up around 110.  The trail beat us up and we were really glad to be done with it.
(24.19 total miles/ 3:13:35 ride time)

5. Johnson Branch SP - 12:31pm.  At this point, your going to notice a theme.  It was fucking hot!!!  JB is off Lake Ray Roberts on the other side of the lake from IDB so it's similar but not as much of a beating.  However, when we roll up the trail steward warns up about the biting flies on the trail.  GREAT!  We also spotting the first casualty of the heat.  We helped another rider that was having some serious heat issues.  I only got bit by 5 or 6 flies.  My bibs were starting to rub me the wrong way so I put on a fresh pair but unfortunately the damage was done.
(30.18 total miles/ 4:13:52 ride time)

6. Knob Hills - 2:43pm.  So HOT!  This trail is fast but a little rough in spots.  There are some short off camber climbs and bench cuts and a lot of really short steep climbs.  It's a lot of fun when you haven't already ridden 5 other trails.  The trail steward warned us it would be hot but we weren't expecting what we rode into.  A large portion of the outgoing trail is bordered by these 8-10 ft tall "weeds" and when your ride into them it's like riding into a furnace.  It was oppressive.  You just have to keep moving or I'm pretty sure you would just dry up and die.  I got my first taste of some heat exhaustion out there and almost threw up twice.  I was starting to cramp up.
(37.43 total miles/ 5:08:30 ride time)

7. Northshore - 4:49pm.  This trail has been on my radar all day long.  I kept telling myself if you can get past Northshore you are home free.  I knew it was going to be bad when I couldn't even get out of my truck without my hamstrings cramping up and fuck I barely got my socks and shoes on.  This was tough.  I hit a real low point here.  I was struggling to eat anything since the last trail and food or water was making me sick.  I kept the fluids going to but I couldn't get any food in me.  Northshore is fast and flowy but I wasn't moving fast at all.  I was creeping a long just trying to survive.  Every climb was torture, my HR would sky rocket with any exertion and my bibs felt like they were made of sandpaper.  It sucked and I was starting to cramp up.
(45.15 total miles/ 6:22:20 ride time)

8. LB Houston - 7:03pm.  It was still hot but the sun was starting to go down so at least we weren't in the direct sun anymore.  My legs cramped for about 5 minutes when I got out of my truck but calmed down with some walking and cursing.  LBH has ZERO climbing.  It's a really fast trail but it wasn't in great shape.  The trail stewart warned us not to go out without eye protecting saying "There are a lot of face slappers."  It was worse than that, there was debris everywhere.  I was convinced I was going to lose a tire out there.  I was still struggling with hydration and fueling and almost threw up again.  But when were got done the trail steward was making burgers and dogs for everyone at the trailhead.  I doubted I could eat it but I never pass up a burger.  I was able to eat it and it made me feel SO MUCH BETTER.  So for future events like this, I am just going to fuel with hamburgers.
(50.99 total miles/ 7:06:14 ride time)
* We ended up with a mile less distance that other riders even though our GPS track was identical.

9. Harry Moss - 8:43pm.  Cramped again when I got out of my truck but yet again some walking and cursing seemed to help.  We had our lights back on and ready to get this done.  I had never been to this trail before but at this point I just wanted to be done.  There were some short punchy climbs that you hard to get a good run at but no real climbing here.  The miles seemed to tick off so slowly and all I could focus on was the copous amounts of skin that my bibs were rubbing off my nether regions.  At least it was finally starting to cool off a little.
(55.42 total miles / 7:46:58 ride time)

10. Rowlett Creek (South side) - 10:11pm.  I was SO ready to be done.  I knew I was going to cramp as soon as I got out of the truck so I was sitting there preparing myself when I fucking cramped up.  This sucked so bad, my hamstings, hips, calves, lower back, and lower abs all cramped at the same time.  I couldn't get out of my truck to move or stretch.  I finally threw the door open and fell out of my truck.  Under other circumstances my brother would have laughed his ass off but he was having his own issues.  I finally got myself under control and we set out of finish this shit off.  We know RCP really well so we were able to knock it out without any issues except for a suicidal armadillo that wanted to take me out at the end of the trail.  I'm pretty sure if he had knocked me over I would still be lying there.  It was so nice to roll back up to the trailhead and check in with the organizer.  We were DONE!
(59.16 total miles / 8:14:47 ride time)
*  This was suppose to be 60 but we lost that damn mile at LBH.

So it was all done and I headed home. Of course, I had to stop to get a #RecoveryBurger.  Since it was 11:30pm at night my options were limited so Whataburger was my destination.  And yet again, I fucking cramped up when I got out of my truck.  I'm sure I looked like a crazy person flailing around and cussing in the parking lot but I was going to get my damn hamburger.

I was so exhausted when I climbed into bed at 12:30am but for some reason I was wide away at 3:45am. I laid there for a while staring at the ceiling and then decided to get up and write my recap.  So please excuse and grammar issues.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Running again, sort of...

So I bought some new Brooks Ghost 9s because I've started running again and my old Ghosts have over 400 miles on them.  I tried to start running at the beginning of the year and quickly started to push the distance and pace up.  As a result, my knees gave me a huge "FUCK YOU" and I stopped.

About a month ago, I was out walking the dog and he wanted to run so bad.  So I tried to run with him a little.  I had to take several walk breaks but it wasn't to bad.  I'm only running 2-3 miles 2-3 times a week and still take walk breaks here in there.  It's nice to be able to run a little bit again.   I have ZERO expectations and ZERO goals right now.  Just taking the dog out to get some exercise and for me to get a little cross training in.  Skittles gets so excited when he sees Karie or me pulling out our running shoes.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Knob Hills MTB Trail

So last Saturday I got a chance to get out to a trail that I haven't ridden in a quite a while.  It's probably been 6+ years since my last ride out there.  It was an out and back trail last time and now it's completely looped with about 12+ miles of single track.

One of the reasons I went out there was to check out the trail since it is part of Judgement Day.

Luckily most of the technical stuff is beyond what I will have to ride for Judgement Day.  However, there are 2 steep climbs that are included.  I feel on one of them and had to walk the other one.

Climb 1 - I should be able to make this.  I wasn't expecting the climb and didn't have enough momentum.

Climb 2 - I'll still probably walk this on race day because I'm going to be getting tired and I probably won't want to waste a bunch of energy trying to get over those steps while climbing

I feel pretty good about what I have to ride here and it shouldn't be a problem.  But it's going to be HOT here.  It's off Lake Grapevine and it will be humid.

There is only one trail left on the list I haven't ever ridden, Harry Moss, but I hear it's pretty easy.  And I haven't seen LB Houston or Johnson Branch in a while.  LB Houston is flat as a pancake so I might try to his JB this weekend if possible.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Trying to figure out Judgment Day

So on June 24th 2017 the local MTB club is putting on an event called Judgement Day.  It was originally scheduled to happen a couple weeks ago but it got rained out and moved.  Good news (or bad not sure yet) I can participate now.  

"Judgment Day is where you challenge yourself to complete a certain number of trails (as laid out by the Organizers) within 24 hours."

This year they have 9 trails selected with everyone riding the same trail to start and end the event.  

  1. Rowlett Creek Preserve
  2. Sister Grove Park
  3. Erwin Park
  4. Isle Du Bois State Park
  5. Johnson Branch State Park
  6. Knob Hill Trail
  7. Northshore Trail
  8. LB Houston Trail
  9. Harry Moss Park Trail
  10. Rowlett Creek Preserve
There are three categories:  Hard (60ish miles), Harsh (90ish miles), Hellish (SS 90ish miles)

I will be doing the "Hard" since it's the first time I do this event.  

So right now,  I am just trying to wrap my head around the logistics of this event.  Just driving from trail to trail is going to take about 5 hours (200+ miles).

So with a 5:30am start (the earliest they will let you start), taking drive time, 12 minutes to unload and load for each trail (guessing), and assuming a max of 60 minutes (most trails should be under 60) riding at each trail, I ended up with this:
With a grand total elapsed time:

Yep, that is hours.  

So my main concerns at this point:

On July 24, sunrise = 6:35am and sunset = 8:32pm.  So I have a hour in the morning and 4-5 hours in the evening of riding in the dark.  

The Heat!
It's going to be hot so hydration is going to be HUGE! 

What the hell am I going to eat?   This event is going to span breakfast, lunch, dinner.  My goal is to NOT puke.  The heat is going to make eating rough.  

Swamp Ass!
This kind of goes with the heat.  Sitting in soaked bike shorts for 18+ hours is going to do horrible things to my nether regions.  I do not own 10 pairs of MTB shorts so I can't change after every trail.  I'm going to have to put together a plan on how often I should change.  I probably need to buy 10 gallons of chamois butt'r for this event.

I have a lot of stuff to figure out in the next couple of weeks.

Monday, June 5, 2017

24 Hours in the Canyon, #FAIL

I "raced" the 12 hour geared solo event at the 24 Hours in The Canyon.  It's a really fun event that does a MTB and Road endurance race.  It takes place in Palo Duro Canyon which is gorgeous.  I didn't do any specific training for this race (and am 25lbs over race weight) so I had no illusions that I was going to make the whole 12 hours. I was just going to take it one lap at a time.

The 24 hour race starts at noon on Saturday, the 12 hour race starts at midnight, the 6 hour starts at 6am and they all finish at noon on Sunday.    The MTB course is about a 8 mile loop with 400+ feet climbing per lap.  Mostly pretty easy single track with a 1 mile technical section towards the end.

My brother and I got out to the canyon on Friday to do a pre-ride and get pit location setup.  It was fucking hot and there were biting flies everywhere.  Those biting flies can all burn in hell. 

We chilled out most of Satuday and went back into the canyon later in the afternoon on Saturday to get everything ready to and setup before our midnight start.  Several storms had run through the canyon and made the course nasty but it was still okay to ride.  As we are hanging out watching the race directors stop everyone and starts to yell "Seek Cover, large hail and high winds coming".  In the canyon you have no where to go.  Racing was stopped around 6:30ish.

Luckily the hail never hit the pit area but some of the rides out on the course got hit with some little hail.  However, we did get quite a bit of rain and the bikes coming off the trail were a fucking mess.

Once the storms cleared and the trail dried a little bit racing was resumed at 9pm.

So we started racing a midnight, the trail wasn't too bad.  Some of the corners were really slick and there were a couple mud holes but over all it wasn't too bad.  However, the storms left us with 100% humidity.  With the temps in the low 60s, the water just hung in the air and settling on everything.  Within 5 minutes of starting I was soaked to the bone and was cold.  Lap 1 was good, I was pacing myself within my limits and felt alright.  As I hit the technical section on Lap 2 my helmet light (my main light) just turned off, no low battery warning, nothing.  I had to ride out with only my bar mounted light.  It REALLY sucks to ride with just a bar light.  In the twisty technical shit, you want the light to be where you are looking.  So I got back to the pit after lap 2 and was completely frazzled.  I changed my battery on my light but since my batteries were not lasting the 3 hours like at home (yes, I tested both batteries at home the week before) I wouldn't be able to do more than 1 more lap.  I did the 3rd lap.  I had no clue if my battery would last another lap or not and was pretty pissed.  I knew I had a lap or two left in me but I didn't want to ride with just the bar light again so I sat down.  YOU NEVER SIT DOWN IN ENDURANCE RACES, at least I can't.  It was 3:15am and within a 5 minutes I was asleep. I was done.

I only made it 3+ hours, which is pretty fucking embarrassing.  I'm better than that, even at my current weight and fitness, I'm better than that.

I did have fun and absolutely love riding in the canyon but would like to do it more in the daylight.  I love this event, everyone is so friendly and it's just like a huge party all weekend.  The next time I go I will be in better shape and ready to kick ass.

The weekend wasn't a total fail, I got to take some selfies with plastic cows.


I also had a awesome wardrobe malfunction with one of my jerseys that my brother thought was hilarious.  Fucking zipper broke.