Thursday, December 1, 2011

7 down 61 to go!

Oh yes, I am talking about my eternal battle with my weight.  It seems like I am constantly dealing with it because I always am.  Only once in the last decade have I been down to a weight that I was happy with.  (Don't get me wrong, I have completely realistic expectations about my weight, I am a big dude and understand that) And when I was at that weight I told myself I would never go back.  Yet, it happens so slowly that you give a little here and a little there at POW POW, you are up 60 lbs.  And that is no exaggeration.

July 2008 at 209 lbs.
Nov 2011 at 268lbs.

So, I am back on a quest to get back down to 200lbs and to stay there.  Maintaining is the hard part for me.  Once I get to my goal, I don't stay there.  I slowly start to put weight back on and boy does my body know how to put weight on.  I think since I at one point I weighed up over 310 lbs my body naturally wants to go back to that weight and it is a constant fight not to.

Right now I am back to eating healthy and slowly getting back into my exercise routines.  I would say I am on a diet but I'm not, I hate the word "diet" and all it stands for.  It should be about getting into a healthy long term life style not a temporary change to get results.  I still eat all the things I love I just don't eat them all the time and I moderate the high-calorie foods to very small quantities.  I can't just cut everything out, that usually results in a short term loss, long term gain. (See that little weight pun I threw in there)

I got back to my healthy living the Friday after Thanksgiving and have already lost 7 pounds.  I would like to drop 10-15 more before Christmas and then at total of 35-40 by the time Rebecca is born.  Those are really lofty goals and it will take constant diligence to meet those them, but I think I can do it.

1 comment:

Gringo Starr said...

After dropping 60 pounds myself, I know your pain because I constantly fear putting it back on. I'm still hovering within two pounds either way of 165, which was my goal weight from the start, but I find myself wanting to treat myself more and more often. I use the excuse of "I'm burning it off so much faster now so it's okay."

Donny H.