Saturday, May 9, 2015

In a funk...

This will be a quickie.

I have been in an a funk since my long ride a couple of Saturdays ago.  I ended up getting some sort of chest cold that took me out for a couple of days but I still seem to be recovering.  All my rides since then have SUCKED.  It feels like I am dragging a lead weight behind my bike.  I need to get over this shit.  I've had two very easy weeks.  I need to hit the next two weeks hard and then taper for my race.

See told ya, a quickie!

Now here is a picture of a mother duck with her ducklings I saw on my ride today.


Unknown said...

Well, dang! Quickies should be way more fun than this. How come your posts don't appear in my email? I'M AN OFFICIAL SUBSCRIBER!

Kenneth said...

I added a email subscribe button. Try that.

Kenneth said...

I added a email subscribe button. Try that.