Tuesday, May 12, 2015

So running again, maybe not.

So a couple of years ago, I used to run.  I ran enough to finish 4 half marathons and a couple of 15Ks in a year.  I was never fast, just a middle of the pack runner.  My running form sucked and I knew it. All my efforts to improve my form failed miserably.  I couldn't get my cadence up to what is considered acceptable.  My feet landed too far in front of me and I heel strike.  All of that took it's toll on an arthritic knee and an ankle that has more scar tissue than cartilage in it.  So when my knee started to hurt all the time (not just when running), I started to transition back to the bike.  But every once and a while I get it into my stupid head that I should go out for a run.

I went out for a run last Saturday and a lot of my online running buddies cheered!

Just a 2 mile run with an average pace of 11:28 min/mi.  Way slower than what my easy pace used to be.  And it sucked.  My cadence was low like before (average 155 spm).  I was heel striking and wasn't landing right.  My knee and ankle ached for 2 days afterward.

I would really like to try to do the half marathon in Houston next January but I'm really not sure what the training is going to do to me.  Do I risk putting myself off the bike, which I love way more than running.  I don't know.  I am still trying to decide if I am being really stupid right now.

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